Women without Men (Sievietes bez vīriešiem) dir. Marina Nazarenko, Una Celma, 90', Latvia

The story of female Ukrainian refugees living in a new reality. In Latvia, fate has brought together women from different parts of Ukraine. How does one find her place in a new country, how does one take on responsibility for everything alone, how does one deal with the internal crisis, how does one not lose her mind due to homesickness? The film’s protagonists are looking for answers to these questions and learning to live once again.


National Premiere November 28, 2023

Scriptwriters Marina Nazarenko, Una Celma
Cinematographer Aleksandrs Grebņevs
Editor Oļegs Aleksejevs
Producer Una Celma
Production Company Fenixfilm

Supported by
National Film Centre of Latvia

Una Celma
+371 2947 5390