Animation film "Flow" by Gibts Zilbalodis has been nominated for two British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) - "Animated Film", and "Children's and Family Film".
The BAFTA nominees for all 25…
On Tuesday, January 7, Matīss Kaža, producer of the animation film "Flow", arrived to Riga, bringing with him the historic “Golden Globe Award”. The producer and the award were greeted at the airport…
On the night of January 6 (Latvian time), Golden Globes award ceremony took place in Los Angeles (USA), and "Flow" by Gints Zilbalodis received the award as the “Best Motion Picture Animated”,…
Spain’s Academia de Cine has unveiled its list of nominations for the 39th Goya Awards, the country’s equivalent to the Oscar.
Feature animation "Flow' by Gints Zilbalodis is amongst five…
On Tuesday, December 17, the U.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced "shortlists" of Oscar nominees in ten categories, and “Flow” by Gints Zilbalodis has been named among 15 films…
European Film Promotion (EFP) is excited to announce the ten up-and-coming European acting talents selected for the 28th edition of EUROPEAN SHOOTING STARS. These exceptional talents will be…