The Ministry of Culture is the state governing institution, which organizes and coordinates state culture policy and cultural-educational policy. The Ministry of Culture operates pursuant to the regulations of the Ministry of Culture, the declaration of the Cabinet and the basic principles of the State culture policy.
K. Valdemāra street 11a, Riga LV-1364
Phone.: +371 67330200
Fax: +371 67330292
Founded in 1988, Riga Film Museum is the only museum devoted to this area in Latvia. As a miniature museum, it is special with its innovative close-up and personal attitude. The Museum hosts an exhibition space, a screenings room which regularly hosts screenings and talks, and a cinematheque offering a wide range of Latvian and foreign cinema classics. There are two exhibitions on display – the permanent exhibition on Latvian film history, the Cinema Cabinet, and temporary exhibitions on various national and foreign film subjects. The Museum hosts events not only in its premises in Old Riga, but also at various other spaces – cinemas, art galleries, – in Riga.
Peitavas street 10 (entrance from Mazā Peitavas Street), Riga LV-1050
Phone.: +371 67358873
Main function of the Archive is to execute the collection of audiovisual, photo and sound documents, which are linked with Latvia and with its significant social, political and cultural events. There are 85 050 units of audiovisual documents in the Archive dated between 1910 and 2008. The Archive keeps more than one million documentarial photographs (pictures date from 1863 up to now) and more than 43 000 sound documents.
Šmerļa street 5, Riga LV-1006
Phone.: +371 29527693
+371 29643725
The aim of the State Culture Capital Foundation is to promote a balanced development of creativity in all the branches of art and preservation of the cultural heritage in the country in conjunction with the guidelines of the state cultural policy. The Foundation does not deal with any commercial activities. The Foundation announces and administers culture projects’ competitions, allots life long grants for culture and arts workers for their life achievement in development of culture and art and gives financial support to short term educational, creative or scientific travels abroad.
Kr. Valdemāra street 20, Riga LV-1010
Phone.: +371 67503177
The Latvian Filmmakers Union is a nation-wide public organization uniting professional filmmakers and craftsmen. Its main objective is to represent and defend their professional and social interests. Closely co-operating with the National Film Centre of Latvia, a State body responsible for the film policy, the Latvian Filmmakers Union cares for the development of cinematography, for the promotion of Latvian film abroad as well as for the co-operation with the film industry and its organizations in other countries.
Elizabetes street 49, Riga LV-1010
Phone: +371 67288536
Fax: +371 6724 0543
The Latvian Film Producers Association has in membership the biggest film production companies, which produce more than half of Latvian films. Together with Latvian Filmmakers Union, it unites almost all Latvian Filmmakers. It collaborates with the National Film Centre.
Elizabetes street 49, Riga LV-1010
Phone: +371 26466014
Film Service Producers Association brings together the most experienced film service producers in Latvia:
- to promote and develop foreign film service in the Baltic region;
- to maintain filming service quality according to international standards;
- to collect and distribute information about available services in the region;
- to represent the film service production companies interests in state and municipal institutions;
- to elaborate and propose legislative initiatives for sector development.
Kr. Valdemāra street 33-10, Riga LV-1010
Phone: +371 67331921
Mobile: +371 25666698
Latvian Short Film Agency was founded with the aim of serving as the missing link in the chain in communication and targeted promotion and representation of Latvian short films. Its activity plans to further develop the Latvian short film industry by representing the interests of filmmakers, festivals and the country at the local and international level.
Diāna Trope
+371 24508825