Who is Velta Ivanova? (Kas ir Velta Ivanova?), dir. Staņislavs Tokalovs, 100’, Latvia

For several years, the lives and ever-present deaths of patients in a state-funded social care centre (30% of patients die each year) have been followed in depth. It creates intense living conditions for patients and carers. Despite the fact that 99 % of the patients in this care centre will spend the rest of their lives and die, mostly alone, they manage to remain hopeful and interested in life. During the filming of the footage, the film crew witnesses the death of a resident. It leaves a strong impression and an incomprehensible void. Although the film-makers were the last people Velta met, they were unable to learn anything about her life. It is this posthumous void that leads the director to find all the information he can about Velta. This will serve as a hope that one day someone will also record her life.


To be released 2026

Scriptwriter Staņislavs Tokalovs
Cinematographer Valdis Celmiņš
Production Company Ego Media
Producer Guntis Trekteris

Supported by
National Film Centre of Latvia

Guntis Trekteris
+371 6729 1720