Dir. Linda Olte, 104’, Latvia/Italy/Czech Republic, 2022

Anastasia and Diana are two sisters living in a Latvian orphanage. When they get to know that an American family is ready to adopt them, Diana cannot wait to move to the States, while Anastasia is less excited about the idea of leaving her home. When their estranged biological mother Alla returns to their lives, Anastasia does everything to establish a relationship with her, but Alla has other plans.


World Premiere October 18, Warsaw FF (Poland)
National Premiere October 21, Riga FF

Scriptwriter Linda Olte
Cinematographer Aleksandrs Grebņevs
Production Designer Laura Dišlere
Costume Designer Sieglinde Michaeler
Makeup Artist Aija Beata Rjabovska
Main Cast Emma Skirmante, Gerda Aljēna, Katrīna Krēsliņa, Iveta Pole, Elita Kļaviņa
Producers Matīss Kaža, Una Celma, Dace Siatkovska
Production Companies Fenixfilm, Deep Sea Studios
In Co-production with Albolina Film (Italy), Analog Vision (Czech Republic)
Co-producers Wilfried Gufler, Thomas Menghin, Veronika Kuhrova

Supported by
National Film Centre of Latvia
IDM South Tyrol
State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia

Matīss Kaža
+371 2003 0221