Roachcoach (Trakmakāns), dir. Ilze Burkovska Jacobsen, co-dir. Trond Jacobsen, 80’, Latvia/Norway
Some fortunate humans have secret insect friends that inspire their creativity. Nine-year-old Viga is an adventurous storyteller who hides her struggles with reading and writing because she is ashamed. Her classmate Sana is a model student, always focused and serious, with no time for fun. Viga's other secret is her new friendship with Taro, a cockroach who fuels her imagination. When Sana discovers and reveals Viga’s secrets, Viga must rise above the mockery to help Sana when her mother faces humiliation on live TV. Together, they must overcome their differences, team up, and learn the values of acceptance and compassion while saving Taro from an exterminator, capturing a Chinese emperor, and executing the perfect “Coup à la Cupcake” heist.
To be released 2026
Scriptwriter Ilze Burkovska Jacobsen, Trond Jacobsen
Artist Anita Rupeika
Production Company Ego Media
Producer Guntis Trekteris
Co - Producer Trond Jacobsen (Bivrost Film)
Nordic Sales/Distribution Norsk Filmdistribusjon
Supported by
National Film Centre of Latvia
Norsk Filminstitutt
Sørnorsk Filmsenter
Fond for lyd og bilde
Creative Europe/ MEDIA
Guntis Trekteris
+371 6729 1720