Red Code Blue (Tumšzilais Evaņģēlijs), dir. Oskars Rupenheits, 130', Latvia
A young police detective, Roman Skulte starts to work in Riga Center Precinct in the mid- 90s. He’s full of juice, ready to take on crime and change the world, eliminating corruption and all the dirty shit he’s so sick of. What do you think happens to a naive idealist detective diving into the real world? He gets one in his face – that’s what happens! Pretty soon comes the realization that enthusiasm alone won’t take him far. To succeed in his quest for a better world while fighting crime and corruption, he realizes some borders – ethical and legislative, will have to be crossed.. All for the good cause, of course.
To be released 2025
Scriptwriter Oskars Rupenheits
Cinematographer Juris Pīlēns
Producer Sintija Andersone
Production Designer Toms Jansons
Costume Designer Ance Beinaroviča
Make-Up Designer Elīna Gaugere
Main Cast Raitis Stūrmanis, Viesturs Berkmanis, Elīna Avotiņa, Armands Guļāns, Indulis Miglavs
Supported by
Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia
Latvian Mobile Telephone
Latvian Television
Vino Films
KEF Studio
Sintija Andersone, producer