Maria's Silence (Marijas Klusums), dir. Dāvis Sīmanis, 104', Latvia/Lithuania, 2024

Portraying the true story of famous actress Maria Leiko, who travels to Stalin's Russia (1937) upon the news of her newborn granddaughter. Soon after, Maria is faced with the brutality of the KGB, who threaten both her family and career, where she ultimately plays her life's most tragic role: an innocent victim destroyed as she struggles between her ideals and the murderous regime that surrounds her.

Maria's Silence

World Premiere Berlinale Forum, February 2024
National Premiere April 4, 2024

Scriptwriter Dāvis Sīmanis
Script Co-Writers Magali Negroni, Tabita Rudzāte
Director of Photography Andrejs Rudzāts
Production Designer Kristīne Rudzāte
Composer Paulius Kilbauskas, Justas Štaras
Costume Designers Kristīne Jurjāne, Rūta Kuplā, Aija Strazdiņa
Editor Ieva Veiverytė
Sound Designer Jonas Maksvytis
Head Make-up Artist Aija Beata Rjabovska
Gaffer Aleksandrs Čerkašins
Camera Operator Kristaps Dzenis
Producers Gints Grūbe, Inese Boka-Grūbe
Production Company Mistrus Media
Co-Producers Justė Michailinaitė, Kestutis Drazdauskas
Co-production Company Broom Films (Lithuania)

Supported by
National Film Centre of Latvia

Gints Grūbe
+371 2945 5252