Last Date (Pēdējā tikšanās), dir. Kārlis Lesiņš, 30', Latvia, 2024

Andris is nearing the age of eighty-five. In his life, he has experienced everything - from the small dream of owning his prosperous farm, which would be inherited as the only son in the family, to the nightmare of orphanhood when Soviet power took away his father and exiled his mother. However, despite the tragic beginning of his life, Andris quickly adapted to the hostile regime system, mastered a trade, happily married, raised two daughters, and witnessed the independence of his homeland. Yet, joys have been overshadowed by sorrows, and the death of his loving wife Zane. Losing his life partner has made Andris melancholic, and he feels lonely. His gloomy thoughts cannot even be compensated by the many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who occasionally visit him. Therefore, Andris immerses himself in his memories, seeking anchor points that might reveal some forgotten moment that is still relevant and could provide comfort in the current reality. Andris believes he has found such a hidden gem and decides to seek out his first love, Ritma Zēberga, whom he has not seen for over sixty years.

Last Date

Scriptwriter Kārlis Lesiņš
Cinematographer Mārtiņš Jurevics 
Editor Krista Gabriela Roba 
Sound Director Edvards Broders
Producer Dominiks Jarmakovics
Production Company Woodpecker Pictures

Dominiks Jarmakovics
+371 2992 8856