The Exalted (Cildenie), dir. Juris Kursietis, 110′, Latvia/Estonia/Greece

When world-famous organist Anna learns about her husband’s involvement in a large-scale corruption scandal, her carefully built family life beings to crumble. Will she be able to live with this new image of her husband?

Blue Blood

World Premiere November 14, 2024, PÖFF
National Premiere November 15

Scriptwriters Juris Kursietis, Līga Celma-Kursiete
Cinematographer Bogumil Godfreijów
Production Designer Laura Dišlere
Producer Alise Ģelze
Production Company White Picture
In Co-production with Stellar Film (Estonia)
Co-producer Evelin Penttilä

Supported by
National Film Centre of Latvia
State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia
Estonian Film Institute
Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Creative Europe MEDIA

Alise Ģelze
+371 2615 6356